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39 Ways to Save the Planet @ Sidmouth Science Festival

Tom Heap’s Radio 4 series “39 Ways to Save the Planet” has not only been inspiring but have won a lot of praise for the positive look at practical ways to reduce our carbon footprint: BBC Radio 4 – 39 Ways to Save the Planet

He’s worked on the series with the Royal Geographic Society’s Dr Tamsin Edwards: Royal Geographical Society – 39 ways to save the planet

And he’s just brought out a book: 39 Ways to Save the Planet

Here he is a this year’s Sidmouth Science Festival:

In this talk, Tom Heap lays out the various ways we can combat climate change. Tom shows that there are many fascinating climate change solutions, some craving adoption others simply needing expansion and none of them demanding a punishing change in lifestyle. This is a talk that will leave you inspired and hopeful about how humankind can use ingenuity and imagination to avert the climate crisis. “Here are the ways. We must find the will. None of the things we do, including living, are environmentally benign” There are even thoughts from Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Sidmouth Science Festival 2022 – 39 ways to save the planet – YouTube