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Welcome to CAPS!

CAPS is the Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth

CAPS is about raising our awareness of the climate – and our collective action to address it.

CAPS is a partnership of Sidmouth Town Council and other local organisations – including the Sidmouth Churches, the Sidmouth Plastic Warriors , the Sidmouth Science Festival , Sidmouth schools and the Vision Group for Sidmouth

And the Partnership is open to all members of the Sid Valley community – whether individuals or organisations.

Here’s a list so far of The CAPS Partners

The Four Aims of CAPS

The CAPS team have set out four aims to support our overall objective of raising community climate awareness. They are :-  

·       Organise talks and other events on sustainable behaviours:

·       Publicise national and regional support to help households reduce their carbon footprint

·       Seek out opportunities to help households live more sustainably

·       Provide an electronic newsletter celebrating success

The Four Aims of CAPS – Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth


Don’t forget to join us in conversations online at the CAPS Facebook page.

Here are a few from the last couple of weeks:

The latest from the New Economics Foundation – A blueprint for warmer homes

If you couldn’t make it to the Library last Saturday for the fortnightly Eco Hub to talk about reducing your home energy bills – you can get in touch with Exeter Community Energy

“*Imagine a future where communities, schools, municipalities and studios can generate and sell their own clean energy”*

Tomorrow is quite a big vote in the Commons 

Great to be at Exeter School today reading my Tuamor the Turtle story, which has been used by the school for the past five years as a KS2 literacy with learning geography project, centred around turtles and the impact of plastic pollution.

(20+) Jo Earlam – Great to be at Exeter School today reading my Tuamor… | Facebook @ Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth (CAPS) | Facebook

Devon is in Davos – Exeter experts head to Davos to drive action on climate and environment

Producing as much of our own food locally makes good sense for many reasons – The Sidmouth Civic Food Forest – Bite Sized Gardening

The controversy continues.. – Apology after farmers fume over council campaign suggesting people switch to non-dairy milk

Look out for leaflets and posters over the next few days

We need to be building much more energy-efficient housing

Making NY resolutions

The dates for the first Eco Hub sessions are in the Herald

Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth (CAPS)


CAPS are planning a number of events over the coming months





Six Inches of Soil follows the inspiring story of British farmers standing up against the industrial food system and transforming the way they produce food – to heal the soil, benefit our health and provide for local communities.

Six Inches of Soil

With thanks to Scotts Cinemas

Join Us for a Special Film Screening and Panel Discussion!

Reserve Your Spot: Book your seat at

Interactive Q&A: After the film, stick around for a lively discussion with agroecologist Dr. Emma Pilgrim and a fantastic panel of Devon-based farmers and food producers, including:
Ruth Hancock (Fresh & Green Vegetables, Landworkers Alliance)
Andy Gray (Regenerative Farmer, Elston Farm, Finalist of BBC’s 2024 Food & Farming awards)
Harriet Bell (Regenerative Farming Lead, Riverford Organic Farmers)

More info at: Events – Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth



With thanks to Scotts Cinemas


Café Scientifique: Why is Lanzarote’s geothermal energy not exploited? Tuesday 18th February: 3:00PM – 4:30PM

A talk by Dr Roger Trend

Lanzarote has one of the most accessible sources of geothermal energy in the world. It’s a shallow Hot Dry Rock field, established by the massive volcanic outpourings of 1730-36. However, it’s not used for electricity generation. Why not? I’ll first set the geological scene and then look at some super research currently being carried out at this famous locality. There are some similarities with the 1980’s Cornwall HDR Project and the current United Downs Deep Geothermal Power Project, but the differences are much more interesting …

Café Scientifique: Why is Lanzarote’s geothermal energy not exploited? – Sidmouth Science Festival

Café Scientifique: Renewable Energy Experiences: Tuesday 15th April: 3:00PM – 4:30PM

Find out about renewable energy from those who have experienced it first hand.

Café Scientifique: Renewable Energy Experiences – Sidmouth Science Festival



Yes, the new venture from CAPS is well and truly happening!…

What’s it all about?

The purpose of the Eco Hub is to provide an ongoing presence in town to engage people on issues related to climate change… a place to have your say/find information/exchange ideas/learn what is happening/volunteer…

The initiative aims to operate on the second Saturday of the month in the Tourist Information Centre and the fourth Saturday in the library. Each month, there will be a new theme to focus on – plus there will be films showing at the Radway Cinema!

The first session at the Library – Saturday 25th January – provided a good opportunity to fly the flag for the first time

Exeter Community Energy @ the ECO HUB Sidmouth: offering free advice on keeping cosy – Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth

ECO HUB Sidmouth launches fortnightly sessions! – Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth

What’s happening?

Here’s the outline programme for the first half of the year:

JanuaryKeeping Warm/Retrofitting with ECOE

11th in the Tourist Information Centre – 25th in Sidmouth Library

February: Local Food/Food Waste

8th in the Tourist Information Centre – 22nd in Sidmouth Library

March: Reduce/Reuse/Recycle

8th in the Tourist Information Centre – 22nd in Sidmouth Library

April: Active Travel- Promoting Walking and Cycling

12th in the Tourist Information Centre – 26th in Sidmouth Library

May: The Plastic Pollution Problem

10th in the Tourist Information Centre – 24th in Sidmouth Library

June: Protecting Diversity

14th in the Tourist Information Centre – 28th in Sidmouth Library

Upcoming events:


The second February session will be held on Saturday, February 22, from 11am to 1pm at the Library


The Eco Hub will be looking at what growing food is all about – with a special “fun and educational session is perfect for families with children under 12 or anyone curious to spark a love of nature in the next generation”.

With more info at Eco Hub Sidmouth – Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth


Catching up with some recent CAPS blog posts – most of which have featured the ECO HUB Sidmouth!

Local food @ the ECO HUB: What are the benefits of a Food Forest?

“Overall, food forests offer a wide range of benefits for both people and the planet. They are a sustainable and resilient way to produce food, improve environmental health, and build stronger communities. We know this from our experience gained when running the Sid Valley Food Forest.”

Local food @ the ECO HUB: What are the benefits of a Food Forest? – Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth

Exeter Community Energy @ the ECO HUB Sidmouth: offering free advice on keeping cosy

Harry Bonnell of the Exeter Community Energy project was able to give detailed advice to over a dozen households, as well as talk to other visitors to the Eco Hub stand. 

Exeter Community Energy @ the ECO HUB Sidmouth: offering free advice on keeping cosy – Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth

Sign up for the CAPS/Town Council’s free thermal imaging survey!

Several attendees to the first ECO HUB also signed up for the CAPS/Town Council’s free thermal imaging surveys – whereby we can see how efficient a building is in keeping in the heat, which in turn can mean we know where our house is losing heat – and try to do something about it.

Sign up for the CAPS/Town Council’s free thermal imaging survey! – Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth

The South West voting for the Climate and Nature Bill

All the major nature groups are behind it, with Friends of the Earth, Wildlife Trust, and Greenpeace leading calls for the PM to back the Climate and Nature Bill:

The South West voting for the Climate and Nature Bill – Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth


ECO-HUB Sidmouth fortnightly sessions!

Following the Pop-up in the Market Square in November, the official launch will take place on the 11th January in the Tourist Information Centre and will continue bimonthly through June. The trial will explore whether a wide engagement on climate change issues can be accomplished with Sidmouth residents through a regular presence in well-known sites.

ECO HUB Sidmouth launches fortnightly sessions! – Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth


The NEF has lots of ideas, projects and papers on the go, for example:

A blueprint for warmer homes

How to deliver a retrofit revolution

Decarbonising the UK’s homes is an immense challenge, often described as the biggest infrastructural undertaking of the 21st century. According to estimates from the Climate Change Committee (CCC), approximately £315bn in funding is required to achieve the necessary upgrades. A portion of this funding must be publicly sourced, and the new Labour government has pledged £13.2bn over the current parliamentary term for energy efficiency and low-carbon heating initiatives.

A blueprint for warmer homes | New Economics Foundation

Airport expansion will not deliver the growth the government wants

The economic impact of airport expansion

Airport expansion will not deliver the growth the government wants | New Economics Foundation

Optics over outcomes: How the Chancellor’s airport expansion plans don’t add up | New Economics Foundation

Green New Deal

Cutting carbon emissions, boosting nature and creating good jobs.

The climate crisis is today’s emergency. From extreme weather to crop failures, people and the planet are already suffering its disastrous consequences.

Green New Deal | New Economics Foundation
