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An ambitious ‘green growth’ project for Sidmouth?

Back in spring 2020, the Science Festival put on several seminars (going online) looking at ‘Green Growth’:

The Clean Growth project from the Science Festival – Vision Group for Sidmouth

Prof Evan Parker presented a proposal to transform Sidmouth – focussing on local transport, food production and distribution, and the high street :

New Thinking on Clean Growth – Transforming Sidmouth – Prof Evan Parker – Café Sci – 31mar20

The coordination team of the VGS subsequently looked at these proposals – together with some key members of the community:

New Thinking on Clean Growth – Transforming Sidmouth – Prof Evan Parker – VGS coord team meeting – 8apr20

New Thinking on Clean Growth – Transforming Sidmouth – Prof Evan Parker – VGS coord team meeting – 20apr20

With a follow-up draft scoping document including proposed actions:

A vision for Sidmouth – scoping doc – v3 – 9apr20

At the time it was decided to go for ‘incremental actions’ rather than something so dramatic.

But perhaps something this ‘ambitious’ could be revisited?