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The VGS and climate awareness

The Vision Group for Sidmouth was set up back in 2005 – to create a ‘vision for Sidmouth’, which was duly put together and authored by Prof Brian Golding of the Met Office: The original Vision Group report – Vision Group for Sidmouth

The VGS has since joined the Transition Town movement:  Sustainable Sidmouth and the Transition Town movement – Vision Group for Sidmouth 

And has taken on the Sustainable Sidmouth brand – which is all about promoting adaptation to climate change: Sustainable Sidmouth – Vision Group for Sidmouth

‘Climate awareness’ is one of the key issues for the VGS today – and as such the VGS hopes to play a role in the Climate Awareness Project Sidmouth.

And for the issues around ‘climate’, why not look through the features on the VGS website? You searched for climate – Vision Group for Sidmouth