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Review of ‘Late Light’ by Jo Earlam, CAPS member “When something in the wild disappears, something in the wild departs from us too.” Just one of the many thought-provoking lines in a new nature book ‘Late Light’, written by first-time published Michael Malay. As an Indonesian-Australian, relocated to and making the UK his now home,… Read More »NEW NATURE BOOK ASKS US TO STEP BACK

How to dispose of disposables?

It’s a fact of modern life that we live in a throwaway society, so much of what we buy is designed to be disposed of immediately after use. From the moment they’re born many babies are put into disposable nappies, and according to the book The Human Footprint before they’re toilet trained each child on… Read More »How to dispose of disposables?

Gazing at Gaia

There’s much talk about the footprints we individually and collectively leave on the planet as humans, but how often, asks Jo Earlam, can we step back and consider the bigger picture of our impact on Earth? An installation of artwork ‘Gaia’, the name for the Greek goddess of Earth, on display at Exeter Cathedral gives… Read More »Gazing at Gaia