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How the ‘carbon footprint’ idea came about – and how to reclaim it

CAPS and the town council have been promoting the home carbon calculator. After all, it would be good for our pockets to know how much heat our houses are losing. And so, one of the the Four Aims of CAPS is “to help households reduce their carbon footprint” – and “to explain when this can help save individuals money.” It’s… Read More »How the ‘carbon footprint’ idea came about – and how to reclaim it

MPs calling for community energy to be added to the new Energy Bill

The Power for People campaign has been working on getting community energy into the new Energy Bill, as reported on the CAPS news pages. Others have been pressing for the same – as Ripple Energy calls for easier access to community energy, the Ecologist says the GB Energy Bill ‘must be bolder’ and Community Energy… Read More »MPs calling for community energy to be added to the new Energy Bill

The Four Aims of CAPS

What is the Climate Awareness Project Sidmouth aiming to achieve? The CAPS August Newsletter let it be known! Direction of CAPS The CAPS team have set out four aims to support our overall objective of raising community climate awareness. They are :-   ·       Organise talks and other events on sustainable behaviours: o… Read More »The Four Aims of CAPS

Would a citizens’ climate assembly work for East Devon – or even the Sid Valley?

How can we plan for reducing our impact on the climate – in a local, concrete way? EDDC ACTION PLAN: The East Devon district council has published its climate emergency action plan – which sets out the priority actions they will take as a council to work towards their pledge of being carbon neutral by 2040:… Read More »Would a citizens’ climate assembly work for East Devon – or even the Sid Valley?

Looking to local energy production

What is the potential for local energy production? SIDENERGY: Almost a decade ago, SidEnergy was looking at producing energy locally – but had to put a stop to its projects due to the cutting back of the feed-in tariff scheme: SidEnergy – Vision Group for Sidmouth CAPS: The Climate Awareness Partnership has been looking at… Read More »Looking to local energy production

The future of farming: talking to Devon farmers and landowners: Thursday 6 June

This week, three farmers and landowners will be making up a panel to talk about “FARMING THE LAND IN DEVON: LOOKING TO THE FUTURE” Join the Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth in the Cellar Bar at Kennaway House from 3pm on Thursday 6th June – to hear a panel of Devon farming professionals talk about what… Read More »The future of farming: talking to Devon farmers and landowners: Thursday 6 June

Eco open-homes

The winter before last it was asked: Is it worthwhile investing in green energy technologies on your home? And one way to find out is to visit someone’s home where such ‘green energy technologies’ are being used: The Transition Movement has some practical ideas on how to do that at a resource-full page: Eco-Open Houses… Read More »Eco open-homes

How to green our transport

We need to be ‘greening our transport’ – and the Sidmouth Cycling Campaign has certainly been pushing for this: Sidmouth Cycling Campaign | Facebook And of late, on their social media, they have been highlighting the issues around doing that greening of our transport – including a challenge to the new government: Government knew it… Read More »How to green our transport